How to add a tile to the UI ? ============================= let's assume that you have a new tile that you want to display in the UI to process geospatial data. the tile cod is the following : .. code-block:: python # component/tile/ import time from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw import ipyvuetify as v from component.message import ms from sepal_ui.scripts import utils as su from sepal_ui.scripts import decorator as sd class MyTile(sw.Tile): def __init__(self, model, **kwargs): # gather models self.model = model # a single widget self.slider = v.Slider( label = ms.my_tile_slider, class_ = "mt-5", thumb_label = True, v_model = 0 ) self.model.bind(self.slider, 'slider_value') # construct the Tile with the widget we have initialized super().__init__( id_ = "my_tile", title = ms.my_tile.title, inputs = [self.slider], btn = sw.Btn(), alert = sw.Alert() ) # now that the Tile is created we can link it to a specific function self.btn.on_event('click', self._on_run) @sd.loading_button(debug=False) def _on_run(self, widget, data, event): time.sleep(5) self.alert.add_live_msg("I've waited for 5 good seconds...", "warning") return Create a partial ui ------------------- At the root of your repository create a notebook called :code:`[my process_name]_ui.ipynb`. In this file will create the instance of the tile object that we created by writing the following steps (each code block need to be written in a separate cell): .. code-block:: python from component import io from component import tile .. tip:: add the debugging :code:`io` required for you tile to work in stand-alone. it will allow you to test your process only by launching this notebook create the io .. code-block:: python my_io = MyIo() create the tile .. code-block:: python my_tile = MyTile(io) display your tile .. code-block:: python my_tile display your io .. code-block:: python my_io.__dict__ Normally if you launch all the cell of the current notebook you should already see your tile. Clear all the cell. Display in no_ui.ipynb ---------------------- in the gathering first cell add an extra line with that will run the newly created partial ui notebook .. code-block:: python # no_ui.ipynb %run my_tile_ui.ipynb [...] and simply display the tiles in separate cells. they will of course be displayed in the order you write them .. code-block:: python my_tile Display in ui.ipynb ------------------- same as in the :code:`no_ui.ipynb` notebook, add the extra line to run the newly created partial ui notebook Then add the :code:`my_tile` variable in the app_content list. in the :code:`app_items` list, add a :code:`DrawerItem` corresponding to your tile. To link it, use the 'id' attribute of your tile, here "my_tile" .. code-block:: python # ui.ipynb app_items = [ # [...] sw.DrawerItem( title =, icon 'fa-solid fa-cogs', # optional card="my_tile" ) ] start your voila dashboard "et voila!", you're tile will be loaded at the kernel start and display when you click on the corresponding drawer item.