About tile ========== Overview -------- :code:`TileAbout` is a widget to display `markdown `__ flavored file to describe the module. it inherits from the :code:`Tile` class. To use it create a file containing some mkd content and use it as a first argument of the tile. The content will be display as in GitHub. In the following example we create a fake file on the fly and use it to display some text in a :code:`AboutTile`. .. jupyter-execute:: :raises: :stderr: from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw from pathlib import Path # correct colors for the documentation # set to dark in SEPAL by default import ipyvuetify as v v.theme.dark = False # create the widget tmp_file = Path.home()/'tmp'/'tmp_mkd.md' tmp_file.write_text('## It is a first section \n') tmp_file.write_text(' Lorem ipsum') about_tile = sw.TileAbout(tmp_file) about_tile .. tip:: The file should be starting with a level 2 header (##) as the title of the tile ("About") is already using the level 1 .. note:: More information can be found `here <../modules/sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.html#sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.tile.TileAbout>`__.