Example ======= In this section, an example of each of our component will be given. You should refer to the **Content** documentation to get an exhaustive description of all our widgets and methods. .. warning:: **Requirements:** * Sepal activated account (if you want to develop in the platform) * knowledge of python and OOP .. danger:: During this tutorial, everything will be presented in the documentation environment. Meaning that every example will be shown using a white theme which is not the default theme of SEPAL. if you want to copy/paste any of these example, please remove the following lines: .. code-block:: # correct colors for the documentation # set to dark in SEPAL by default import ipyvuetify as v v.theme.dark = False .. danger:: Any cell that are supposed to trigger kernel events will not work as the kernel is dead in the documentation. A executable kernel will soon be added. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: tile_aoi tile_reclassify sepal_widget markdown tooltip clip stateicon alert statebar app btn download_btn number password date_picker file_input load_table asset_select tile about disclaimer vector planet_view