StateBar ======== Overview -------- :code:`Statebar` is a custom widget to provide easy to use state bars in the sepal_ui framework. it inherits from the :code:`SepalWidget` class. any argument from the original :code:`SystemBar` ipyvuetify class can be used to complement it. .. jupyter-execute:: :raises: :stderr: from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw # correct colors for the documentation # set to dark in SEPAL by default import ipyvuetify as v v.theme.dark = False statebar = sw.StateBar() statebar Methods ------- State bar can be stopped using the following code. The :code:`msg` can be changed according to your need. .. tip:: You can also change the message without stopping the loading by omitting the second parameter .. jupyter-execute:: :raises: :stderr: from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw # correct colors for the documentation # set to dark in SEPAL by default import ipyvuetify as v v.theme.dark = False statebar = sw.StateBar() statebar.add_msg('ongoing', True) .. note:: More information can be found `here <../modules/sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.html#sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.alert.StateBar>`__.