Source code for sepal_ui.mapping.layers_control

"""Extend functionalities of the ipyleaflet layer control."""
import json
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import Optional

import ipyvuetify as v
from ipyleaflet import GeoJSON, Map, TileLayer
from ipywidgets import link

from sepal_ui import color
from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw
from sepal_ui.frontend import styles as ss
from sepal_ui.mapping.menu_control import MenuControl
from sepal_ui.message import ms

[docs] class HeaderRow(sw.Html):
[docs] def __init__(self, title: str) -> None: """Html Row element including a single title of 3 colspan. Specifically designed to work in the layer_control table Args: title: the line value """ attr = {"colspan": 3} head = sw.Html(tag="th", attributes=attr, children=title) super().__init__(tag="tr", class_="v-no-hover", children=[head])
[docs] class BaseRow(sw.Html): w_radio: Optional[sw.SimpleCheckbox] = None "the radio to hide/show the layer"
[docs] def __init__(self, layer: TileLayer) -> None: """Html row element to describe a base layer. This Html element include all the controls to manipulate the basemap displayed in the map - a checkbox to show/hide (it will behave like a radio) Args: layer: the layer associated to the row """ # create the checkbox, by default layer are visible self.w_radio = sw.Radio(small=True, kwargs = {"style": "width: 10%;", "tag": "td"} radio_cell = sw.Html(children=[self.w_radio], **kwargs) # create the label kwargs = {"style_": "width: 40%;", "tag": "td"} label_cell = sw.Html(children=[], **kwargs) # create an empty row to align on kwargs = {"style_": "width: 50%;", "tag": "td"} empty_cell = sw.Html(children=[""], **kwargs) # build a html tr from it super().__init__(tag="tr", children=[label_cell, empty_cell, radio_cell]) # add js behavior link((layer, "visible"), (self.w_radio, "active"))
[docs] class LayerRow(sw.Html): w_checkbox: Optional[sw.SimpleCheckbox] = None "the ckeckbox to hide/show the layer" w_slider: Optional[sw.SimpleSlider] = None "the slider linked to the opacity of the layer"
[docs] def __init__(self, layer: TileLayer) -> None: """Html row element to describe a normal layer. This Html element include all the controls to manipulate the layer displayed in the map - a checkbox to show/hide - a slider to change alpha channel Args: layer: the layer associated to the row """ # create the checkbox, by default layer are visible self.w_checkbox = sw.SimpleCheckbox( v_model=True, small=True,, color=color.primary ) kwargs = {"style": "width: 10%;", "tag": "td"} checkbox_cell = sw.Html(children=[self.w_checkbox], **kwargs) # create the label kwargs = {"style_": "width: 40%;", "tag": "td"} label_cell = sw.Html(children=[], **kwargs) # create the slider self.w_slider = sw.SimpleSlider(v_model=1, max=1, step=0.01, small=True) kwargs = {"style_": "width: 50%;", "tag": "td"} slider_cell = sw.Html(children=[self.w_slider], **kwargs) # build a html tr from it super().__init__(tag="tr", children=[label_cell, slider_cell, checkbox_cell]) # add js behavior self.w_checkbox.observe(self._toggle_slider, "v_model") link((layer, "opacity"), (self.w_slider, "v_model")) link((layer, "visible"), (self.w_checkbox, "v_model"))
def _toggle_slider(self, *args) -> None: """Toggle the modification of the slider.""" self.w_slider.disabled = not self.w_checkbox.v_model return
[docs] class VectorRow(sw.Html): w_checkbox: Optional[sw.SimpleCheckbox] = None "the ckeckbox to hide/show the layer"
[docs] def __init__(self, layer: TileLayer) -> None: """Html row element to describe a vector layer. This Html element include all the controls to manipulate the layer displayed in the map - a checkbox to show/hide Vector are always placed on top of the map Args: layer: the vector layer associated to the row """ # create the checkbox, by default layer are visible self.w_checkbox = sw.SimpleCheckbox( v_model=True, small=True,, color=color.primary ) kwargs = {"style": "width: 10%;", "tag": "td"} checkbox_cell = sw.Html(children=[self.w_checkbox], **kwargs) # create the label kwargs = {"style_": "width: 40%;", "tag": "td"} label_cell = sw.Html(children=[], **kwargs) # create the slider kwargs = {"style_": "width: 50%;", "tag": "td"} empty_cell = sw.Html(children=[""], **kwargs) # build a html tr from it super().__init__(tag="tr", children=[label_cell, empty_cell, checkbox_cell]) # add js behavior link((layer, "visible"), (self.w_checkbox, "v_model"))
[docs] class LayersControl(MenuControl): m: Optional[Map] = None "the map controlled by the layercontrol" group: Optional[sw.RadioGroup] = None "As radio button cannot behave individually we add an extra GroupRadio to wrap the table"
[docs] def __init__(self, m: Map, **kwargs) -> None: """Richer layerControl to add some controls over the lyers displayed on the map. Each layer is associated to a line where the user can adapt the alpha channel or even hide it completely Args: m: the map to display the layers kwargs: optional extra parameters for the ipyleaflet.WidgetControl """ # save the map self.m = m # create a loading to place it on top of the card. It will always be visible # even when the card is scrolled p_style = json.loads((ss.JSON_DIR / "progress_bar.json").read_text()) self.w_loading = sw.ProgressLinear( indeterminate=False,, color=p_style["color"][v.theme.dark], ) self.tile = sw.Tile("nested", "") # set the kwargs parameters kwargs.setdefault("position", "topright") super().__init__( icon_content="fa-solid fa-layer-group", card_content=self.tile, m=m, **kwargs ) # customize the menu to make it look more like a layercontrol = True = 200 # set the height according to the content self.set_size(min_height=None, max_height=None) # update the table at instance creation self.update_table({}) # add js behavior self.m.observe(self.update_table, "layers")
[docs] def update_table(self, change: dict) -> None: """Update the table content.""" # create the vector line vectors = [lyr for lyr in reversed(self.m.layers) if isinstance(lyr, GeoJSON)] vector_rows = [] if len(vectors) > 0: head = [HeaderRow(ms.layer_control.vector.header)] rows = [VectorRow(lyr) for lyr in vectors] vector_rows = head + rows # create a table of layerLine layers = [ lyr for lyr in reversed(self.m.layers) if lyr.base is False and isinstance(lyr, TileLayer) ] layer_rows = [] if len(layers) > 0: head = [HeaderRow(ms.layer_control.layer.header)] rows = [LayerRow(lyr) for lyr in layers] layer_rows = head + rows # create another table of basemapLine it should always be a basemap # the error raised if you delete the last one is a feature bases = [lyr for lyr in self.m.layers if lyr.base is True] base_rows = [] current = next( (lyr for lyr in bases if lyr.visible is True), SimpleNamespace(name=None) ) if len(bases) > 0: head = [HeaderRow(ms.layer_control.basemap.header)] empy_cell = sw.Html(tag="td", children=[" "], attributes={"colspan": 3}) empty_row = sw.Html(tag="tr", class_="v-no-hever", children=[empy_cell]) rows = [BaseRow(lyr) for lyr in bases] + [empty_row] base_rows = head + rows # create a table from these rows and wrap it in the radioGroup tbody = sw.Html(tag="tbody", children=vector_rows + layer_rows + base_rows) table = sw.SimpleTable(children=[tbody], dense=True, class_="v-no-border") = sw.RadioGroup(, children=[table]) # set the table as children of the widget self.tile.children = [] return