Source code for sepal_ui.mapping.map_btn

"""Base ``SepalMap`` Btn."""

import ipyvuetify as v

from sepal_ui import color
from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw

[docs] class MapBtn(v.Btn, sw.SepalWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, content: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Btn specifically design to be displayed on a map. It matches all the characteristics of the classic leaflet btn but as they are from ipyvuetify we can use them in combination with Menu to produce on-the-map tiles. The MapBtn is responsive to theme changes. It only accept icon or 3 letters as children as the space is very limited. Args: content: a fa-solid/mdi fully qualified name or a string name. If a string name is used, only the 3 first letters will be displayed. """ # create the icon if content.startswith("mdi-") or content.startswith("fa"): content = sw.Icon(small=True, children=[content]) else: content = content[: min(3, len(content))].upper() # some parameters are overloaded to match the map requirements kwargs["color"] = "text-color" kwargs["outlined"] = True kwargs["style_"] = f"background: {};" kwargs["children"] = [content] kwargs["icon"] = False kwargs.setdefault("class_", "v-map-btn") super().__init__(**kwargs)