Source code for sepal_ui.planetapi.planet_model

"""Model object dedicated to Planet interface."""

import asyncio
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import nest_asyncio
import planet.data_filter as filters
import traitlets as t
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated
from planet import DataClient
from planet.auth import Auth
from planet.exceptions import NoPermission
from planet.http import Session

from sepal_ui.message import ms
from sepal_ui.model import Model

# known problem

[docs] class PlanetModel(Model): SUBS_URL: str = ( "" ) "The url of the planet API subscription" credentials: List[str] = [] "list containing [api_key] or pair of [username, password] to log in" session: Optional[Session] = None "planet.http.session: planet session." subscriptions: t.Dict = t.Dict({}).tag(sync=True) "All the dictionary info from the available subscriptions" active = t.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) "Value to determine if at least one subscription has the active true state"
[docs] def __init__(self, credentials: Union[str, List[str]] = "") -> None: """Planet model helper to connect planet API client and perform requests. It can be instantiated whether itself or linked with a PlanetView input helper. All the methods are aimed to be used without the need of a view. Args: credentials: planet API key or tuple of username and password of planet explorer. """ self.subscriptions = {} self.session = None = False if credentials: self.init_session(credentials)
[docs] @deprecated( version="3.0", reason="credentials member is deprecated, use self.auth._key instead", ) def init_session( self, credentials: Union[str, List[str]], write_secrets: bool = False ) -> None: """Initialize planet client with api key or credentials. It will handle errors. Args: credentials: planet API key, username and password pair or a secrets planet.json file. write_secrets: either to write the credentials in the secret file or not. Defaults to True. """ if isinstance(credentials, str): credentials = [credentials] if not all(credentials): raise ValueError(ms.planet.exception.empty) if len(credentials) == 2: self.auth = Auth.from_login(*credentials) # Check if the str is a path to a secret file elif len(credentials) == 1 and credentials[0].endswith(".json"): self.auth = Auth.from_file(credentials[0]) else: self.auth = Auth.from_key(credentials[0]) self.credentials = self.auth._key self.session = Session(auth=self.auth) self._is_active() if and write_secrets: return
def _is_active(self) -> None: """Check if the key has an associated active subscription and change the state button accordingly.""" # As there is not any key that identify the nicfi contract, # let's find though all the subscriptions a representative name wildcards = ["Level_0", "Level_1", "Level2"] # get the subs from the api key and save them in the model. It will be useful # to avoid doing more calls. tmp_subscriptions: dict[str, list] = {"nicfi": [], "others": []} for sub in self.get_subscriptions(): for w in wildcards: if w in str(sub): tmp_subscriptions["nicfi"].append(sub) break if sub not in tmp_subscriptions["nicfi"]: tmp_subscriptions["others"].append(sub) self.subscriptions = tmp_subscriptions states = self.search_status(self.subscriptions) = any([next(iter(d.values())) for d in states]) return
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self) -> dict: """Load the user subscriptions. Returns: the dictionary of user subscription or empty list if nothing found """ req = self.session.request("GET", self.SUBS_URL) try: response = except NoPermission: raise Exception( "You don't have permission to access to this resource. Check your input data." ) except Exception as e: raise e return response.json() if response.status_code == 200 else {}
[docs] def get_items( self, aoi: dict, start: Union[str, datetime], end: Union[str, datetime], cloud_cover: float, limit: int = 0, ) -> list: """Request imagery items from the planet API for the requested dates. Args: aoi: geojson clipping geometry start: the start of the request (YYYY-mm-dd)) end: the end of the request (YYYY-mm-dd)) cloud_cover: maximum cloud coverage. limit: number of items to constrain the search. Defaults to 0 to use all of them. Returns: items found using the search query """ # cast start and end to str start = ( datetime.strptime(start, "%Y-%m-%d") if isinstance(start, str) else start ) end = datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d") if isinstance(end, str) else end and_filter = filters.and_filter( [ filters.geometry_filter(aoi), filters.range_filter("cloud_cover", lte=cloud_cover), filters.date_range_filter("acquired", gt=start), filters.date_range_filter("acquired", lt=end), ] ) # PSScene3Band and PSScene4Band item type and assets are deprecated # since January 2023 so we are now only looking at PSScene item_types = ["PSScene"] async def _main(): """Create an asyncrhonous function here to avoid making the main get_items as async. So we can keep calling get_items without any change. """ client = DataClient(self.session) items = item_types, and_filter, name="quick_search", limit=limit ) items_list = [item async for item in items] return items_list return
[docs] def get_mosaics(self) -> dict: """Get all the mosaics available in a client without pagination limitations. Returns: The mosaics contained in the API request. Note: The output format is the following: .. code-block:: json { "_links": { "_self": "<mosaic_url>", "quads": "<quad_url>", "tiles": "<xyz_tiles_url>" }, "bbox": ["<4_corners_coordinates>"], "coordinate_system": "<projection_system>", "datatype": "uint16", "first_acquired": "<date_of_aquisition>", "grid": { "quad_size": 4096, "resolution": 4.77731426716 }, "id": "<mposaic_hashed_id>", "interval": "<acquisition_interval>", "item_types": ["<types_of_imagery"], "last_acquired": "<last_image_timestamp>", "level": "<max_zoom_level>", "name": "<mosaic_name>", "product_type": "timelapse", "quad_download": true } """ mosaics_url = "" request = self.session.request("GET", mosaics_url) response = return response.json().get("mosaics", [])
[docs] def get_quad(self, mosaic: dict, quad_id: str) -> dict: """Get a quad response for a specific mosaic and quad. Args: mosaic: A dict representing a mosaic in the format of list_mosaic quad_id: A quad id (typically <xcoord>-<ycoord>) Returns: The quad information as a dict. Note: The output format is the following: .. code-block:: json { "_links": { "_self": "<quad_url>", "download": "<download_url>", "items": "<items_url>", "thumbnail": "<thumbnail_url>" }, "bbox": ["<corner_coordinates>"], "id": "<quad_id>", "percent_covered": 100 } """ quads_url = "{}/quads/{}" quads_url = quads_url.format(mosaic["id"], quad_id) request = self.session.request("GET", quads_url) response = return response.json() or {}
[docs] @staticmethod def search_status(d: dict) -> List[Dict[str, bool]]: """Get the status of a specific subscription. Args: d: dictionary of subscription object Returns: the ( status) pairs """ states = [] for v in d.values(): for subs in v: if "plan" in subs: plan = subs.get("plan") state = True if plan.get("state") == "active" else False states.append({plan.get("name"): state}) return states