Source code for sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.btn

"""Custom Buttons.

Gather the customized ``ipyvuetifyWidgets`` used to create buttons.
All the content of this modules is included in the parent ``sepal_ui.sepalwidgets`` package. So it can be imported directly from there.

    .. jupyter-execute::

        from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw


import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import ipyvuetify as v
import traitlets as t
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated
from traitlets import observe
from typing_extensions import Self

from sepal_ui.scripts import utils as su
from sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.sepalwidget import SepalWidget

__all__ = ["Btn", "DownloadBtn"]

[docs] class Btn(v.Btn, SepalWidget): v_icon: Optional[v.Icon] = None "the icon in the btn" gliph: t.Unicode = t.Unicode("").tag(sync=True) "the name of the icon" msg: t.Unicode = t.Unicode("").tag(sync=True) "the text of the btn"
[docs] def __init__(self, msg: str = "", gliph: str = "", **kwargs) -> None: """Custom process Btn filled with the provided text. The color will be defaulted to 'primary' and can be changed afterward according to your need. Args: msg: the text to display in the btn gliph: the full name of any mdi/fa icon text: the text to display in the btn icon: the full name of any mdi/fa icon kwargs (dict, optional): any parameters from v.Btn. if set, 'children' will be overwritten. .. deprecated:: 2.13 ``text`` and ``icon`` will be replaced by ``msg`` and ``gliph`` to avoid duplicating ipyvuetify trait. .. deprecated:: 2.14 Btn is not using a default ``msg`` anymor`. """ # deprecation in 2.13 of text and icon # as they already exist in the ipyvuetify Btn traits (as booleans) if "text" in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["text"], str): msg = kwargs.pop("text") warnings.warn( '"text" is deprecated, please use "msg" instead', DeprecationWarning ) if "icon" in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs["icon"], str): gliph = kwargs.pop("icon") warnings.warn( '"icon" is deprecated, please use "gliph" instead', DeprecationWarning, ) # create the default v_icon (hidden) self.v_icon = v.Icon(children=[""], left=True) self.v_icon.hide() # set the default parameters kwargs.setdefault("color", "primary") kwargs["children"] = [self.v_icon, self.msg] # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # set msg and gliph to trigger the rendering self.msg = msg self.gliph = gliph
@observe("gliph") def _set_gliph(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Set a new icon. If the icon is set to "", then it's hidden.""" self.v_icon.children = [self.gliph] self.v_icon.hide() if self.gliph == "" else return self @observe("msg") def _set_text(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Set the text of the btn.""" self.v_icon.left = bool(self.msg) self.children = [self.v_icon, self.msg] return self
[docs] @deprecated(version="2.14", reason="Replace by the private _set_gliph") def set_icon(self, icon: str = "") -> Self: """Set a new icon. If the icon is set to "", then it's hidden. Args: icon: the full name of a mdi/fa icon """ self.gliph = icon return self
[docs] def toggle_loading(self) -> Self: """Jump between two states : disabled and loading - enabled and not loading.""" self.loading = not self.loading self.disabled = self.loading return self
[docs] class DownloadBtn(v.Btn, SepalWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, text: str, path: Union[str, Path] = "#", **kwargs) -> None: """Custom download Btn filled with the provided text. The download icon is automatically embedded and green. The btn only accepts absolute links, if non is provided then the btn stays disabled. Args: text: the message inside the btn path: the absoluteor relative path to a downloadable content kwargs: any parameter from a v.Btn. if set, 'children' and 'target' will be overwritten. """ # create a download icon v_icon = v.Icon(left=True, children=["fa-solid fa-download"]) # set default parameters kwargs.setdefault("class_", "ma-2") kwargs.setdefault("xs5", True) kwargs.setdefault("color", "success") kwargs["children"] = [v_icon, text] kwargs["target"] = "_blank" kwargs["attributes"] = {"download": None} # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # create the URL self.set_url(path)
[docs] def set_url(self, path: Union[str, Path] = "#") -> Self: """Set the URL of the download btn. and unable it. If nothing is provided the btn is disabled. Args: path: the absolute path to a downloadable content """ # set the url url = su.create_download_link(path) self.href = url # unable or disable the btn self.disabled = str(path) == "#" # set the download attribute name = None if str(path) == "#" else Path(path).name self.attributes = {"download": name} return self