Source code for sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.inputs

"""Custom input widgets to setup parameters in application.

Gather the customized ``ipyvuetifyWidgets`` used to create input fields in applications.
All the content of this modules is included in the parent ``sepal_ui.sepalwidgets`` package. So it can be imported directly from there.

    .. jupyter-execute::

        from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw


import json
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

import ee
import geopandas as gpd
import ipyvuetify as v
import pandas as pd
import traitlets as t
from deprecated.sphinx import versionadded
from natsort import humansorted
from traitlets import link, observe
from typing_extensions import Self

from sepal_ui import color
from sepal_ui.frontend import styles as ss
from sepal_ui.message import ms
from sepal_ui.scripts import decorator as sd
from sepal_ui.scripts import gee
from sepal_ui.scripts import utils as su
from sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.btn import Btn
from sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.sepalwidget import SepalWidget

__all__ = [

[docs] @versionadded( version="2.13.0", reason="Empty v_model will be treated as empty string: :code:`v_model=''`.", ) class DatePicker(v.Layout, SepalWidget): menu: Optional[v.Menu] = None "the menu widget to display the datepicker" date_text: Optional[v.TextField] = None "the text field of the datepicker widget" disabled: t.Bool = t.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) "the disabled status of the Datepicker object"
[docs] def __init__( self, label: str = "Date", layout_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: """Custom input widget to provide a reusable DatePicker. It allows to choose date as a string in the following format YYYY-MM-DD. Args: label: the label of the datepicker field layout_kwargs: any parameter for the wrapper v.Layout kwargs: any parameter from a v.DatePicker object. """ kwargs["v_model"] = kwargs.get("v_model", "") # create the widgets self.date_picker = v.DatePicker(no_title=True, scrollable=True, **kwargs) self.date_text = v.TextField( label=label, hint="YYYY-MM-DD format", persistent_hint=True, prepend_icon="event", readonly=True, v_on="menuData.on", ) = v.Menu( min_width="290px", transition="scale-transition", offset_y=True, v_model=False, close_on_content_click=False, children=[self.date_picker], v_slots=[ { "name": "activator", "variable": "menuData", "children": self.date_text, } ], ) # set the default parameter layout_kwargs = layout_kwargs or {} layout_kwargs.setdefault("row", True) layout_kwargs.setdefault("class_", "pa-5") layout_kwargs.setdefault("align_center", True) layout_kwargs.setdefault("children", [v.Flex(xs10=True, children=[])]) # call the constructor super().__init__(**layout_kwargs) link((self.date_picker, "v_model"), (self.date_text, "v_model")) link((self.date_picker, "v_model"), (self, "v_model"))
@observe("v_model") def check_date(self, change: dict) -> None: """Check if the data is formatted date. A method to check if the value of the set v_model is a correctly formatted date Reset the widget and display an error if it's not the case. """ self.date_text.error_messages = None # exit immediately if nothing is set if not change["new"]: return # change the error status if not self.is_valid_date(change["new"]): msg = self.date_text.hint self.date_text.error_messages = msg return @observe("v_model") def close_menu(self, change: dict) -> None: """A method to close the menu of the datepicker programmatically.""" # set the visibility = False return @observe("disabled") def disable(self, change: dict) -> None: """A method to disabled the appropriate components in the datipkcer object."""[0]["children"].disabled = self.disabled return
[docs] def today(self) -> Self: """Update the date to the current day.""" self.v_model ="%Y-%m-%d") return self
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid_date(date: str) -> bool: """Check if the date is provided using the date format required for the widget. Args: date: the date to test in YYYY-MM-DD format Returns: The validity of the date with respect to the datepicker format """ valid = True try: datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") except (ValueError, TypeError): valid = False return valid
[docs] class FileInput(v.Flex, SepalWidget): extensions: List[str] = [] "list: the extensions list" folder: Path = Path.home() "the current folder" initial_folder: Path = Path.home() "the starting point of the file input" file: t.Unicode = t.Unicode("").tag(sync=True) "the current file" selected_file: Optional[v.TextField] = None "the textfield where the file pathname is stored" loading: Optional[v.ProgressLinear] = None "loading top bar of the menu component" file_list: Optional[v.List] = None "the list of files and folder that are available in the current folder" file_menu: Optional[v.Menu] = None "the menu that hide and show the file_list" reload: Optional[v.Btn] = None "reload btn to reload the file list on the current folder" clear: Optional[v.Btn] = None "clear btn to remove everything and set back to the ini folder" root: t.Unicode = t.Unicode("").tag(sync=True) "the root folder from which you cannot go higher in the tree." v_model: t.Unicode = t.Unicode(None, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True) "the v_model of the input" ICON_STYLE: dict = json.loads((ss.JSON_DIR / "file_icons.json").read_text()) "the style applied to the icons in the file menu"
[docs] def __init__( self, extensions: List[str] = [], folder: Union[str, Path] = Path.home(), label: str = ms.widgets.fileinput.label, v_model: str = "", clearable: bool = False, root: Union[str, Path] = "", cache=False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Custom input field to select a file in the sepal folders. Args: extensions: the list of the allowed extensions. the FileInput will only display these extension and folders folder: the starting folder of the file input label: the label of the input v_model: the default value clearable: whether or not to make the widget clearable. default to False root: the root folder from which you cannot go higher in the tree. kwargs: any parameter from a v.Flex abject. If set, 'children' will be overwritten. """ self.extensions = extensions self.initial_folder = folder self.folder = Path(folder) self.root = str(root) if isinstance(root, Path) else root self.cache_dirs = {} self.selected_file = v.TextField( readonly=True, label=ms.widgets.fileinput.placeholder, class_="ml-5 mt-5", v_model="", ) p_style = json.loads((ss.JSON_DIR / "progress_bar.json").read_text()) self.loading = v.ProgressLinear( indeterminate=False,, color=p_style["color"][v.theme.dark], ) self.file_list = v.List( dense=True,, flat=True, v_model=True, max_height="300px", style_="overflow: auto;", children=[v.ListItemGroup(children=self._get_items(), v_model="")], ) self.file_menu = v.Menu( min_width="400px", max_width="400px", children=[self.loading, self.file_list], v_model=False, close_on_content_click=False, v_slots=[ { "name": "activator", "variable": "x", "children": Btn( gliph="fa-solid fa-search", v_model=False, v_on="x.on", msg=label, ), } ], ) self.reload = v.Btn( icon=True, color="primary", children=[v.Icon(children=["fa-solid fa-sync-alt"])], ) self.clear = v.Btn( icon=True, color="primary", children=[v.Icon(children=["fa-solid fa-times"])], ) if not clearable: su.hide_component(self.clear) # set default parameters kwargs.setdefault("row", True) kwargs.setdefault("class_", "d-flex align-center mb-2") kwargs.setdefault("align_center", True) kwargs["children"] = [ self.clear, self.reload, self.file_menu, self.selected_file, ] # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) link((self.selected_file, "v_model"), (self, "file")) link((self.selected_file, "v_model"), (self, "v_model")) self.file_list.children[0].observe(self._on_file_select, "v_model") self.reload.on_event("click", self._on_reload) self.clear.on_event("click", self.reset) # set the default v_model self.v_model = v_model
[docs] def reset(self, *args) -> Self: """Clear the File selection and move to the root folder.""" # note: The args arguments are useless here but need to be kept so that # the function is natively compatible with the clear btn # do nothing if nothing is set to avoids extremely long waiting # time when multiple fileInput are reset at the same time as in the aoiView if self.v_model is not None: # move to root self._on_file_select({"new": self.initial_folder}) # remove v_model self.v_model = "" return self
[docs] def select_file(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> Self: """Manually select a file from it's path. No verification on the extension is performed. Args: path: the path to the file """ # cast to Path path = Path(path) # test file existence if not path.is_file(): raise Exception(f"{path} is not a file") # set the menu to the folder of the file self._on_file_select({"new": path.parent}) # select the appropriate file self._on_file_select({"new": path}) return self
def _on_file_select(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Dispatch the behavior between file selection and folder change.""" if not change["new"]: return self new_value = Path(change["new"]) if new_value.is_dir(): self.folder = new_value # don't change folder if the folder is the parent of the root if not self.folder == Path(self.root).parent: self._change_folder() elif new_value.is_file(): self.file = str(new_value) return self @sd.switch("indeterminate", on_widgets=["loading"]) def _change_folder(self) -> None: """Change the target folder.""" # get the items items = self._get_items() # reset files # this is resetting the scroll to top without using js scripts self.file_list.children[0].children = [] # set the new files self.file_list.children[0].children = items return def _get_items(self) -> List[v.ListItem]: """Create the list of items inside the folder. Returns: list of items inside the selected folder """ folder = self.folder list_dir = [el for el in folder.glob("*") if not".")] if self.extensions: list_dir = [ el for el in list_dir if el.is_dir() or el.suffix in self.extensions ] if folder in self.cache_dirs: if self.cache_dirs[folder]["files"] == list_dir: return self.cache_dirs[folder]["items"] folder_list = [] file_list = [] for el in list_dir: if el.is_dir(): icon = self.ICON_STYLE[""]["icon"] color = self.ICON_STYLE[""]["color"][v.theme.dark] elif el.suffix in self.ICON_STYLE.keys(): icon = self.ICON_STYLE[el.suffix]["icon"] color = self.ICON_STYLE[el.suffix]["color"][v.theme.dark] else: icon = self.ICON_STYLE["DEFAULT"]["icon"] color = self.ICON_STYLE["DEFAULT"]["color"][v.theme.dark] children = [ v.ListItemAction(children=[v.Icon(color=color, children=[icon])]), v.ListItemContent( children=[v.ListItemTitle(children=[el.stem + el.suffix])] ), ] if el.is_dir(): folder_list.append(v.ListItem(value=str(el), children=children)) else: file_size = su.get_file_size(el) children.append( v.ListItemActionText(class_="ml-1", children=[file_size]) ) file_list.append(v.ListItem(value=str(el), children=children)) folder_list = humansorted(folder_list, key=lambda x: x.value) file_list = humansorted(file_list, key=lambda x: x.value) parent_item = v.ListItem( value=str(folder.parent), children=[ v.ListItemAction( children=[ v.Icon( color=self.ICON_STYLE["PARENT"]["color"][v.theme.dark], children=[self.ICON_STYLE["PARENT"]["icon"]], ) ] ), v.ListItemContent( children=[v.ListItemTitle(children=[f".. /{folder.parent.stem}"])] ), ], ) folder_list.extend(file_list) folder_list.insert(0, parent_item) self.cache_dirs.setdefault(folder, {}) self.cache_dirs[folder]["files"] = list_dir self.cache_dirs[folder]["items"] = folder_list return folder_list def _on_reload(self, *args) -> None: # force the update of the current folder self._change_folder() return @observe("v_model") def close_menu(self, change: dict) -> None: """A method to close the menu of the Fileinput programmatically.""" # set the visibility self.file_menu.v_model = False return
[docs] class LoadTableField(v.Col, SepalWidget): fileInput: Optional[FileInput] = None "The file input to select the .csv or .txt file" IdSelect: Optional[v.Select] = None "input to select the id column" LngSelect: Optional[v.Select] = None "input to select the lng column" LatSelect: Optional[v.Select] = None "input to select the lat column" default_v_model: dict = { "pathname": None, "id_column": None, "lat_column": None, "lng_column": None, } "The default v_model structure {'pathname': xx, 'id_column': xx, 'lat_column': xx, 'lng_column': xx}"
[docs] def __init__(self, label: str = ms.widgets.table.label, **kwargs) -> None: """A custom input widget to load points data. The user will provide a csv or txt file containing labeled dataset. The relevant columns (lat, long and id) can then be identified in the updated select. Once everything is set, the widget will populate itself with a json dict. {pathname, id_column, lat_column,lng_column}. Args: label: the label of the widget kwargs: any parameter from a v.Col. If set, 'children' and 'v_model' will be overwritten. """ self.fileInput = FileInput([".csv", ".txt"], label=label) self.IdSelect = v.Select( _metadata={"name": "id_column"}, items=[],, v_model=None, ) self.LngSelect = v.Select( _metadata={"name": "lng_column"}, items=[], label=ms.widgets.table.column.lng, v_model=None, ) self.LatSelect = v.Select( _metadata={"name": "lat_column"}, items=[],, v_model=None, ) # set default parameters kwargs["v_model"] = self.default_v_model # format of v_model is fixed kwargs["children"] = [ self.fileInput, self.IdSelect, self.LngSelect, self.LatSelect, ] # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) # link the dropdowns link((self.IdSelect, "items"), (self.LngSelect, "items")) link((self.IdSelect, "items"), (self.LatSelect, "items")) # link the widget with v_model self.fileInput.observe(self._on_file_input_change, "v_model") self.IdSelect.observe(self._on_select_change, "v_model") self.LngSelect.observe(self._on_select_change, "v_model") self.LatSelect.observe(self._on_select_change, "v_model")
[docs] def reset(self) -> Self: """Clear the values and return to the empty default json.""" # clear the fileInput self.fileInput.reset() return
@sd.switch("loading", on_widgets=["IdSelect", "LngSelect", "LatSelect"]) def _on_file_input_change(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Update the select content when the fileinput v_model is changing.""" # clear the selects self._clear_select() # set the path path = change["new"] self._set_v_model("pathname", path) # exit if none if path is None: return self df = pd.read_csv(path, sep=None, engine="python") if len(df.columns) < 3: self._set_v_model("pathname", None) self.fileInput.selected_file.error_messages = ( ms.widgets.load_table.too_small ) return self # set the items self.IdSelect.items = df.columns.tolist() # pre load values that sounds like what we are looking for # it will only keep the first occurrence of each one for name in reversed(df.columns.tolist()): lname = name.lower() if "id" in lname: self.IdSelect.v_model = name elif any( ext in lname for ext in ["lng", "long", "longitude", "x_coord", "xcoord", "lon"] ): self.LngSelect.v_model = name elif any(ext in lname for ext in ["lat", "latitude", "y_coord", "ycoord"]): self.LatSelect.v_model = name return self def _clear_select(self) -> Self: """Clear the selects components.""" self.fileInput.selected_file.error_messages = None self.IdSelect.items = [] # all the others are listening to this one self.IdSelect.v_model = self.LngSelect.v_model = self.LatSelect.v_model = None return self def _on_select_change(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Change the v_model value when a select is changed.""" name = change["owner"]._metadata["name"] self._set_v_model(name, change["new"]) return self def _set_v_model(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """set the v_model from an external function to trigger the change event. Args: key: the column name value: the new value to set """ tmp = self.v_model.copy() tmp[key] = value self.v_model = tmp return
[docs] class AssetSelect(v.Combobox, SepalWidget): TYPES: dict = { "IMAGE": ms.widgets.asset_select.types[0], "TABLE": ms.widgets.asset_select.types[1], "IMAGE_COLLECTION": ms.widgets.asset_select.types[2], "ALGORITHM": ms.widgets.asset_select.types[3], "FOLDER": ms.widgets.asset_select.types[4], # UNKNOWN type is ignored } "Valid types of asset" folder: str = "" "the folder of the user assets, mainly for debug" valid: bool = True "whether the selected asset is valid (user has access) or not" asset_info: dict = {} "The selected asset information" default_asset: t.List = t.List([]).tag(sync=True) "The id of a default asset or a list of default assets" types: t.List = t.List().tag(sync=True) "The list of types accepted by the asset selector. names need to be valid TYPES and changing this value will trigger the reload of the asset items."
[docs] @sd.need_ee def __init__( self, folder: Union[str, Path] = "", types: List[str] = ["IMAGE", "TABLE"], default_asset: Union[str, List[str]] = [], **kwargs, ) -> None: """Custom widget input to select an asset inside the asset folder of the user. Args: label: the label of the input folder: the folder of the user assets default_asset: the id of a default asset or a list of defaults types: the list of asset type you want to display to the user. type need to be from: ['IMAGE', 'FOLDER', 'IMAGE_COLLECTION', 'TABLE','ALGORITHM']. Default to 'IMAGE' & 'TABLE' kwargs (optional): any parameter from a v.ComboBox. """ self.valid = False self.asset_info = None # if folder is not set use the root one self.folder = str(folder) or[0]["id"] self.types = types # load the default assets self.default_asset = default_asset # Validate the input as soon as the object is instantiated self.observe(self._validate, "v_model") # set the default parameters kwargs.setdefault("v_model", None) kwargs.setdefault("clearable", True) kwargs.setdefault("dense", True) kwargs.setdefault("prepend_icon", "mdi-sync") kwargs.setdefault("class_", "my-5") kwargs.setdefault("placeholder", ms.widgets.asset_select.placeholder) kwargs.setdefault("label", ms.widgets.asset_select.label) # create the widget super().__init__(**kwargs) # load the assets in the combobox self._get_items() # add js behaviours self.on_event("click:prepend", self._get_items) self.observe(self._get_items, "default_asset")
@sd.switch("loading") def _validate(self, change: dict) -> None: """Validate the selected asset. Throw an error message if is not accessible or not in the type list.""" self.error_messages = None # trim the current value if isinstance(self.v_model, str): self.v_model = self.v_model.strip() if change["new"]: # check that the asset can be accessed try: self.asset_info = # check that the asset has the correct type if self.asset_info["type"] not in self.types: self.error_messages = ms.widgets.asset_select.wrong_type.format( self.asset_info["type"], ",".join(self.types) ) except Exception: self.error_messages = ms.widgets.asset_select.no_access self.valid = self.error_messages is None self.error = self.error_messages is not None return @sd.switch("loading", "disabled") def _get_items(self, *args) -> Self: # init the item list items = [] # add the default values if needed if self.default_asset: if isinstance(self.default_asset, str): self.default_asset = [self.default_asset] self.v_model = self.default_asset[0] header = ms.widgets.asset_select.custom items += [{"divider": True}, {"header": header}] items += [default for default in self.default_asset] # get the list of user asset raw_assets = gee.get_assets(self.folder) assets = { k: sorted([e["id"] for e in raw_assets if e["type"] == k]) for k in self.types } # sort the assets by types for k in self.types: if len(assets[k]): items += [ {"divider": True}, {"header": self.TYPES[k]}, *assets[k], ] self.items = items return self @observe("types") def _check_types(self, change: dict) -> None: """Clean the type list, keeping only the valid one.""" self.v_model = None # check the type self.types = [t for t in self.types if t in self.TYPES] # trigger the reload self._get_items() return
[docs] class PasswordField(v.TextField, SepalWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Custom widget to input passwords in text area and toggle its visibility. Args: kwargs: any parameter from a v.TextField. If set, 'type' will be overwritten. """ # default behavior kwargs.setdefault("label", ms.password_field.label) kwargs.setdefault("class_", "mr-2") kwargs.setdefault("v_model", "") kwargs["type"] = "password" kwargs.setdefault("append_icon", "fa-solid fa-eye-slash") # init the widget with the remaining kwargs super().__init__(**kwargs) # bind the js behavior self.on_event("click:append", self._toggle_pwd)
def _toggle_pwd(self, *args) -> None: """Toggle password visibility when append button is clicked.""" if self.type == "text": self.type = "password" self.append_icon = "fa-solid fa-eye-slash" else: self.type = "text" self.append_icon = "fa-solid fa-eye" return
[docs] class NumberField(v.TextField, SepalWidget): max_: t.Int = t.Int(10).tag(sync=True) "Maximum selectable number." min_: t.Int = t.Int(0).tag(sync=True) "Minimum selectable number." increm: t.Int = t.Int(1).tag(sync=True) "Incremental value added at each step."
[docs] def __init__(self, max_: int = 10, min_: int = 0, increm: int = 1, **kwargs): r"""Custom widget to input numbers in text area and add/subtract with single increment. Args: max\_: Maximum selectable number. Defaults to 10. min\_: Minimum selectable number. Defaults to 0. increm: incremental value added at each step. default to 1 kwargs: Any parameter from a v.TextField. If set, 'type' will be overwritten. """ # set the traits self.max_ = max_ self.min_ = min_ self.increm = increm # set default params kwargs["type"] = "number" kwargs.setdefault("append_outer_icon", "fa-solid fa-plus") kwargs.setdefault("prepend_icon", "fa-solid fa-minus") kwargs.setdefault("v_model", 0) kwargs.setdefault("readonly", True) # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs) self.on_event("click:append-outer", self.increment) self.on_event("click:prepend", self.decrement)
[docs] def increment(self, *args) -> None: """Adds increm to the current v_model number.""" self.v_model = min((self.v_model + self.increm), self.max_) return
[docs] def decrement(self, *args) -> None: """Subtracts increm to the current v_model number.""" self.v_model = max((self.v_model - self.increm), self.min_) return
[docs] class VectorField(v.Col, SepalWidget): original_gdf: Optional[gpd.GeoDataFrame] = None "The originally selected dataframe" df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None "the original dataframe without the geometry (for column naming)" gdf: Optional[gpd.GeoDataFrame] = None "The selected dataframe" w_file: Optional[FileInput] = None "The file selector widget" w_column: Optional[v.Select] = None "The Select widget to select the column" w_value: Optional[v.Select] = None "The Select widget to select the value in the selected column" v_model: t.Dict = t.Dict( { "pathname": None, "column": None, "value": None, } ) "The json saved v_model shaped as {'pathname': xx, 'column': xx, 'value': xx}" column_base_items: list = [ {"text": ms.widgets.vector.all, "value": "ALL"}, {"divider": True}, ] "the column compulsory selector (ALL)" feature_collection: Optional[ee.FeatureCollection] = None "ee.FeatureCollection: the selected featureCollection"
[docs] def __init__( self, label: str = ms.widgets.vector.label, gee: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> None: """A custom input widget to load vector data. The user will provide a vector file compatible with fiona or a GEE feature collection. The user can then select a specific shape by setting column and value fields. Args: label: the label of the file input field, default to 'vector file'. gee: whether to use GEE assets or local vectors. folder: When gee=True, extra args will be used for AssetSelect kwargs: any parameter from a v.Col. if set, 'children' will be overwritten. """ # set the 3 wigets if not gee: self.w_file = FileInput([".shp", ".geojson", ".gpkg", ".kml"], label=label) else: # Don't care about 'types' arg. It will only work with tables. asset_select_kwargs = {"folder": kwargs.pop("folder", None)} self.w_file = AssetSelect(types=["TABLE"], **asset_select_kwargs) self.w_column = v.Select( _metadata={"name": "column"}, items=self.column_base_items, label=ms.widgets.vector.column, v_model="ALL", ) self.w_value = v.Select( _metadata={"name": "value"}, items=[], label=ms.widgets.vector.value, v_model=None, ) su.hide_component(self.w_value) # create the Col Field kwargs["children"] = [self.w_file, self.w_column, self.w_value] super().__init__(**kwargs) # events self.w_file.observe(self._update_file, "v_model") self.w_column.observe(self._update_column, "v_model") self.w_value.observe(self._update_value, "v_model")
[docs] def reset(self) -> Self: """Return the field to its initial state.""" self.w_file.reset() return self
@sd.switch("loading", on_widgets=["w_column", "w_value"]) def _update_file(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Update the file name, the v_model and reset the other widgets.""" # reset the widgets self.w_column.items, self.w_value.items = [], [] self.w_column.v_model = self.w_value.v_model = None self.df = None self.feature_collection = None # set the pathname value self._set_v_model("pathname", change["new"]) # exit if nothing if not change["new"]: return self if isinstance(self.w_file, FileInput): # read the file self.df = gpd.read_file(change["new"], ignore_geometry=True) columns = self.df.columns.to_list() elif isinstance(self.w_file, AssetSelect): self.feature_collection = ee.FeatureCollection(change["new"]) columns = self.feature_collection.first().getInfo()["properties"] columns = [ str(col) for col in columns if col not in ["system:index", "Shape_Area"] ] # update the columns self.w_column.items = self.column_base_items + sorted(set(columns)) self.w_column.v_model = "ALL" return self @sd.switch("loading", on_widgets=["w_value"]) def _update_column(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Update the column name and empty the value list.""" # set the value self._set_v_model("column", change["new"]) # exit if nothing as the only way to set this value to None is the reset if not change["new"]: return self # reset value widget self.w_value.items = [] self.w_value.v_model = "" # hide value if "ALL" or none if change["new"] in ["ALL", ""]: su.hide_component(self.w_value) return self # read the colmun if isinstance(self.w_file, FileInput): values = self.df[change["new"]].to_list() elif isinstance(self.w_file, AssetSelect): values = ( self.feature_collection.distinct(change["new"]) .aggregate_array(change["new"]) .getInfo() ) self.w_value.items = sorted(set(values)) su.show_component(self.w_value) return self def _update_value(self, change: dict) -> Self: """Update the value name and reduce the gdf.""" # set the value self._set_v_model("value", change["new"]) return self def _set_v_model(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: """Set the v_model from an external function to trigger the change event. Args: key: the column name value: the new value to set """ tmp = self.v_model.copy() tmp[key] = value or None self.v_model = tmp return
[docs] class SimpleSlider(v.Slider, SepalWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Simple Slider is a simplified slider that can be center aligned in table. The normal vuetify slider is included html placeholder for the thumbs and the messages (errors and hints). This is preventing anyone from center-aligning them in a table. This class is behaving exactly like a regular Slider but embed extra css class to prevent the display of these sections. any hints or message won't be displayed. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.class_list.add("v-no-messages")