Source code for sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.widget

"""Custom widgets that are nor input nor UI interface.

Gather the customized ``ipyvuetifyWidgets``. All the content of this modules is included in the parent ``sepal_ui.sepalwidgets`` package. So it can be imported directly from there.

    .. jupyter-execute::

        from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw


from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

import ipyvuetify as v
import traitlets as t
from deprecated.sphinx import versionadded
from markdown import markdown
from traitlets import link, observe

from sepal_ui import color
from sepal_ui.model import Model
from sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.sepalwidget import SepalWidget, Tooltip

__all__ = ["Markdown", "CopyToClip", "StateIcon"]

[docs] class Markdown(v.Layout, SepalWidget):
[docs] def __init__(self, mkd_str: str = "", **kwargs) -> None: """Custom Layout based on the markdown text given. Args: mkd_str: the text to display using the markdown convention. multi-line string are also interpreted kwargs: Any parameter from a v.Layout. If set, 'children' will be overwritten """ mkd = markdown(mkd_str, extensions=["fenced_code", "sane_lists"]) # need to be nested in a div to be displayed mkd = "<div>\n" + mkd + "\n</div>" # make every link to point to target black (to avoid nested iframe in sepal) mkd = mkd.replace("<a", '<a target="_blank"') # create a Html widget class MyHTML(v.VuetifyTemplate): template = t.Unicode(mkd).tag(sync=True) content = MyHTML() # set default parameters kwargs.setdefault("row", True) kwargs.setdefault("class_", "pa-5") kwargs.setdefault("align_center", True) kwargs["children"] = [v.Flex(xs12=True, children=[content])] # call the constructor super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @versionadded(version="2.2.0", reason="New clipping widget") class CopyToClip(v.VuetifyTemplate): tf: Optional[v.TextField] = None "v.TextField: the textfield widget that holds the v_model to copy" v_model: t.Unicode = t.Unicode("").tag(sync=True) "a v_model trait that embed the string to copy"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Custom textField that provides a handy copy-to-clipboard javascript behaviour. When the clipboard btn is clicked the v_model will be copied in the local browser clipboard. You just have to change the clipboard v_model. when copied, the icon change from a copy to a check. Args: kwargs: any argument that can be used with a v.TextField """ # add the default params to kwargs kwargs.setdefault("outlined", True) kwargs.setdefault("label", "Copy To clipboard") kwargs.setdefault("readonly", True) kwargs.setdefault("append_icon", "fa-solid fa-clipboard") kwargs.setdefault("v_model", "") kwargs.setdefault("class_", "ma-5") # set the default v_model self.v_model = kwargs["v_model"] # create component = v.TextField(**kwargs) self.components = {"mytf":} # template with js behaviour js_dir = Path(__file__).parents[1] / "frontend/js" clip = (js_dir / "jupyter_clip.js").read_text() self.template = ( "<mytf/>" "<script>{methods: {jupyter_clip(_txt) {%s}}}</script>" % clip ) super().__init__() # js behaviour"click:append", self._clip) link((self, "v_model"), (, "v_model"))
def _clip(self, *args) -> None: """Launch the javascript clipping process.""" self.send({"method": "clip", "args": []}) = "fa-solid fa-clipboard-check" return
[docs] class StateIcon(Tooltip): values: t.Any = t.Any().tag(sync=True) "bool, str, int: key name of the current state of component. Values must be same as states_dict keys." states: dict = {} 'Dictionary where keys are the state name to be linked with self value and value represented by a tuple of two elements. {"key":(tooltip_msg, color)}.' icon: Optional[v.Icon] "The colored Icon of the tooltip"
[docs] def __init__( self, model: Optional[Model] = None, model_trait: str = "", states: dict = {}, **kwargs, ): """Custom icon with multiple state colors. Args: model: Model to manage StateIcon behaviour from outside. model_trait: Name of trait to be linked with state icon. Must exists in model. states: Dictionary where keys are the state name to be linked with self value and value represented by a tuple of two elements. {"key":(tooltip_msg, color)}. kwargs: Any arguments from a v.Tooltip """ # set the default parameter of the tooltip kwargs.setdefault("right", True) # init the states default_states = { "valid": ("Valid", color.success), "non_valid": ("Not valid", color.error), } self.states = default_states if not states else states # Get the first value (states first key) to use as default one init_value = self.states[next(iter(self.states))] self.icon = v.Icon( children=["fa-solid fa-circle"], color=init_value[1], small=True ) super().__init__(self.icon, init_value[0], **kwargs) # Directional from there to link here. if all([model, model_trait]): link((model, model_trait), (self, "values"))
@observe("values") def _swap(self, change: dict) -> None: """Swap between states.""" new_val = change["new"] # Use the first value when there is not initial value. if not new_val: self.value = next(iter(self.states)) return # Perform a little check with comprehensive error message if new_val not in self.states: raise ValueError( f"Value '{new_val}' is not a valid value. Use {list(self.states.keys())}" ) self.icon.color = self.states[new_val][1] self.children = [self.states[new_val][0]] return