

LoadTableField is a field widget to load points data. The user will provide a .csv or .txt file containing labeled dataset. The relevant columns (lat, long and id) can then be identified in the updated select. Once everything is set, the widget will populate itself with a json dict. {pathname, id_column, lat_column,lng_column}. It inherits from the SepalWidget class. Any argument from the original Layout ipyvuetify class can be used to complement it.

from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw

# correct colors for the documentation
# set to dark in SEPAL by default
import ipyvuetify as v
v.theme.dark = False

point_file = sw.LoadTableField()

the value can be retrieve from the v_model trait.

# will return the value of the widget

# will be thrown when v_model change
point_file.observe(lambda change: print(change['new']))

# bin the value to a io object using an Alert widget
sw.Alert().bind(point_file, io, 'point_file_attr')


Remember that the v_model value will contain information to read the point file with geopandas in the following format : {pathname, id_column, lat_column,lng_column}. No points are actually red by the widget.


More information can be found here.