About tile#


TileAbout is a widget to display markdown flavored file to describe the module. it inherits from the Tile class. To use it create a file containing some mkd content and use it as a first argument of the tile. The content will be display as in GitHub.

In the following example we create a fake file on the fly and use it to display some text in a AboutTile.

from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw
from pathlib import Path

# correct colors for the documentation
# set to dark in SEPAL by default
import ipyvuetify as v
v.theme.dark = False

# create the widget
tmp_file = Path.home()/'tmp'/'tmp_mkd.md'

tmp_file.write_text('## It is a first section  \n')
tmp_file.write_text(' Lorem ipsum')

about_tile = sw.TileAbout(tmp_file)
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 12
      9 # create the widget
     10 tmp_file = Path.home()/'tmp'/'tmp_mkd.md'
---> 12 tmp_file.write_text('## It is a first section  \n')
     13 tmp_file.write_text(' Lorem ipsum')
     15 about_tile = sw.TileAbout(tmp_file)

File ~/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.13/lib/python3.10/pathlib.py:1154, in Path.write_text(self, data, encoding, errors, newline)
   1151     raise TypeError('data must be str, not %s' %
   1152                     data.__class__.__name__)
   1153 encoding = io.text_encoding(encoding)
-> 1154 with self.open(mode='w', encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline) as f:
   1155     return f.write(data)

File ~/.asdf/installs/python/3.10.13/lib/python3.10/pathlib.py:1119, in Path.open(self, mode, buffering, encoding, errors, newline)
   1117 if "b" not in mode:
   1118     encoding = io.text_encoding(encoding)
-> 1119 return self._accessor.open(self, mode, buffering, encoding, errors,
   1120                            newline)

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/docs/tmp/tmp_mkd.md'


The file should be starting with a level 2 header (##) as the title of the tile (“About”) is already using the level 1


More information can be found here.