

ReclassifyTile is a Tile tailored for the creation and usage of a custom classification. Fully autonomous this tile will help you create classification that fit your application and apply it on your inputs. It inherits from the SepalWidget class. Any argument from the original Card ipyvuetify class can be used to complement it. You can choose either or not you want to use the gee binding.

from sepal_ui import reclassify as rec

# correct colors for the documentation
# set to dark in SEPAL by default
import ipyvuetify as v
v.theme.dark = False

reclassify_tile = rec.ReclassifyTile(gee=False)
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 1
----> 1 from sepal_ui import reclassify as rec
      3 # correct colors for the documentation
      4 # set to dark in SEPAL by default
      5 import ipyvuetify as v

ImportError: cannot import name 'reclassify' from 'sepal_ui' (/home/docs/checkouts/


More information can be found here.