Remove the default process and tiles#

When you started your module with the module, several default process and tile where already available. Now that you have implemented your own code you may want to remove these one. The easy answer is : remove everything that starts with the default_ prefix but we will of course remove them all step by step.

remove from UI files#

ui.ipynb and no_ui.ipynb#

The first step is to remove the tiles from ui.ipynb and no_ui.ipynb to make sure that this called is not shown any more to the users. in both files, remove the following line in order to stop the importation of the default tiles

%run default_process.ipynb

Now the partial ui is never loaded. in no_ui.ipnb remove the the cells containing default_process_tile and default_result_tile.ipynb. This two variables need to be removed from the app_content. Still in the ui.ipynb notebook, remove the two DrawerItem corresponding to our tiles and you are good to go.

partial ui#

Now that we have removed every call to default_process_ui.ipynb, we can safely remove this file

remove components#

The high modularity of allows to remove and add components very fast and without possible error.

in all component but message (tile, scripts, parameter and io) remove all the files that are starting by the default_ prefix. In each package make sure that these files are not imported by the If it’s still the case remove this imports

update messages#

In the message dictionaries (en.json and fr.json) remove all the keys that start with the default_ prefix and their content

going from :

# component/message/en.json

    "not_translated": "this message only exist in the en dict",
    "app": {
        "title": "My first module",
        "footer": "The sky is the limit \u00a9 {}",
        "drawer_item": {
            "aoi": "AOI selection",
            "default_process": "Process",
            "default_result": "Results",
            "about": "About"
    "default_process": {
        "small_slider": "{} is not big enough, please provide a value > to 50",
        "end_computation": "Computation complete",
        "hist_title": "Histogram",
        "treecover2000": "Treecover 2000",
        "healthy_veg": "Healthy vegetation",
        "green": "Green",
        "green_update": "Green updated",
        "gain_loss": "Gain & Loss",
        "slider": "Select percentage",
        "textfield": "Write text",
        "title": "Process tile",
        "no_aoi": "Please provide an AOI",
        "no_slider": "Please provide a percentage value",
        "no_textfield": "Please provide a text in the textfield",
        "csv_btn": "Tab in .csv"
    "default_result": {
        "title": "Results",
        "no_result": "No result to display yet"


# component/message/en.json

    "not_translated": "this message only exist in the en dict",
    "app": {
        "title": "My first module",
        "footer": "The sky is the limit \u00a9 {}",
        "drawer_item": {
            "aoi": "AOI selection",
            "default_process": "Process",
            "default_result": "Results",
            "about": "About"


it’s easier to do this procedure at the beginning rather than at the end of your development